Airtech 2000
The Airtech 2000 is an awesome blaster. They are still in stores,
and can be easily modded by even the most n00bish of amateurs. From single-barreled sharpshooters to quad-barreled assault
rifles, Airtech 2000's are the modern mainstay of most newer nerfers. They can be purchased in twin packs at Target
for about $14.99 (so that's seven bucks a pop) and that will set up two nerfers potentially for life. Excellent guns.
Manta Ray
Quite easily one of the most famous blasters ever, even non-nerfers
know exactly when you're talking about when you say "Manta Ray" and "Nerf" in the same sentence. They are still often
used today, whether just as shields without firing then (seen at Armageddon 2005) or actually fired. Many use the shells
for integrations, which can end with very cool results, such as "Marty", my Manta Ray with two brassed Airtech 2000's
in it. If you can get ahold of one, you really should.
Hornet AS-6
I have mixed feelings about the Hornet. It has decent ranges
and all, but the pump is really short, so it takes longer than it should to prime this thing. Secondly, it is a royal
pain in the behind to modify, especially to take apart. I would never be caught using one. Why spend $45-50 on
the full N-Strike set to get one when there are Airtech 3000's in the world?
Commlink 2
I have a special place in my heart for the Commlink II. I was
given a pack of these for my birthday eons ago, and one of them quickly became my primary. Pretty much because it was
the best I had, and I was, like, eight, so I considered megas to be better because they were bigger. *Sigh*. Was
I ever that young? Anyway, they are decent blasters, but when they were on the shelves, they had quite
the hefty price tag due to the built-in walkie-talkies that burst into static by passing the occasional tree or anything else
that the average person being shot at would hide behind. So, in short, they are for the kiddies. I may update
this comment if I ever get around to brassing one of these things.
The Ratchetblast is one of the most fun guns to use. You cock
it like a break open shotgun, close the handle back up to the body, and pull the trigger. That simple. It had
four mega-firing barrels, and the mechanism turned around on the inside, so a lot of the time, you wouldn't really know which
barrel the dart was going to be fired from. But that's okay. The ranges aren't up to today's standards, but
it is definetely a classic.
If I wanted to, I would elaborate on how much I hate ballguns, but
this one just takes the cake, so I'll just ask you how many opponents wouldn't know you were there when you started
revving up this sucker?
Mad Hornet
The Mad Hornet was the first truly Semi-Auto blaster ever made by
Nerf. It was pretty good, too, but to keep its power up, you really needed to be pumping a few times ever couple of
shots. But that's okay. I'd prefer one of these over a Blastfire or a Hornet because those two are sich a royal
pain to mod.
Before the days of air pumps, the Chaninblazer was the gun
for rushing. Now, it is overshadowed by the non clip-jammed, faster ROF Powerclips and the somewhat less-used Wildfire
and RF 20. Still, back in the day, a chainblazer with three clips hooked up to it was a thing to fear.
A spiffed up version of the Chainblazer with a longer single chain,
and less tendency to jam with longer chains. Better than the original, but it didn't see quite as much fame and fortune
out in the world; still living in the shadow of its older brother.
Bow 'n Arrow
I remember when I got mine. Brings back a hint of Nostalgia.
They are pretty decent, though the firing method throws off your aim like no other. However, unlike most other older
guns, these still seem to find their way to wars occasionally, showing that newer is not always better.
Defender T-3
The Defender T-3 is pretty good concept. Most people don't talk
very well about it, but there are those who have tremendous faith in this blaster (or these blasters, for that matter...)
The Defender T-3 is really two guns in one, and they can be fired semi-auto when attached together. When apart, the
top part is like a miniature Bow 'n Arrow. The bottom part is a plunger-fired pistol with decent range. A nice
little combo, but rarely do people get the nerves to bring something like this out to play.
Eagle Eye
The Eagle Eye had a col concept, what with the laser aiming light
and all, but its range was rarely enough to make the light of any use, and it's too bulky to be of any value as a single shot
gun. Plus, it requires two completely free hands and something to brace it against (like your body) to cock it.
It's (very) little brother, the Nite Finder, is a far better blaster to go with, and nobody really uses the light in that
one either.
Electric Eel
Never seen anywhere really anymore, it had a cool concept.
The interior light flashed when you fired, and caused the special darts to glow. This concept has now been revisited
with the fresh off the printing-press Firefly.
Master Blaster
A very well-known ballgun that fired when you pushed and
when you pulled, rather than just when you pushed like its predecessors, the Blast-a-Matic and the Blast-a-Ball. Nevertheless,
it's still just a ballgun.
The Rattler is a Ratchetblast shoved into the Max Force line.
It can be modded (ie barrels replaced with brass/PETG/CPVC, etc) but that will only get its ranges up to about
the Range of the Ratchetblast. I have seen a pic of a songle-barreled one, but I have no details on ranges or performance.
Oh, and the firing handle throws its accuracy down the toilet, in a manner of speaking. That big curved thing sticking
out the bottom? Yeah. That's the firing handle. You pull it down to fire. Accuracy? Flush.
The Strongarm is well known, but never used anymore. Most people
grow out of it (as in are unabl to use it because its too small) by age ten or so. Not worth the effort, especially
since most wars in this day and age involve a lot of running, which would not be fun with a strongarm hooked up to you.